It’s Time For Winter Activities 🎿 (*and your sunscreen better be ready too)
Sunscreen is always in season!
When you’re on the slopes during the winter months, almost completely covered by protective clothing, sun protection might not cross your mind—but for your skin’s health…and safety, it really should!
For skiers, snowboarders, or lodge goers alike, cold weather can mean more time outside, and more time outside equals more sun exposure…four to five percent more skin-damaging UV rays for every 1,000-foot increase in altitude to be exact. At a 10,000-foot elevation, that gets to be a very risky 40 to 50 percent increase in UV ray exposure.
That’s concerning news for anyone at risk of skin cancer, which really is everyone. Plus, the intensity of the sun’s rays’ double when they’re reflected off the snow …quite the “snowball” effect, huh?
All that said, you can still have fun in the mountains and on the slopes, and do it safely, if you follow these skin health check points below.
No matter how diligently you apply sunscreen, the best defense against sun damage is the care of a dermatologist. Book an appointment and let us help you with your skin health and give you our best insights for protecting your skin.